Oh yes we have rules. Heres the agreement....
Training Entrance Agreement:
Candidate must be suitable for mentioned program else no guarantee is given.
If candidate is beyond the limits of aggression, shyness, dominant, passive etc. only after and successful completion of required correction program may the candidate enter training programs.
If a dog does not meet up to its breed anatomy standard, in certain programs certain commands and abilities are not included. In extreme cases the candidate may not be allowed to participate in certain training programs. The reason being that the candidate will have low or no success or may be harmed from the training.
Candidates Health Book must be present.
Vaccinations in Health Book must be complete and up to date. Vaccinations that are unreadable or expired at time of vaccination are disregarded and noted missing.
Certain vaccination brands have a lower success rate then required. Such brands are disregarded and noted missing.
A University Diploma issuing university or the government can not verify that the veterinarian is hygienic, responsible or is following ever changing science and medicine. Any forms filled by vets that we believe to fall in such category are disregarded.
Any vaccination that we have not accepted will be accepted if a laboratory report states that the vaccination was a success.
A form that your vet is to fill-out will be provided. This form must be filled out by your vet and returned.
For a high success of the candidate entering any training program all advice given by instructors must be taken seriously.
Throughout training any command or ability that the instructor has not told you to follow up with must not be performed in a ‘copycat' manner.
You must look after, protect, and feed your dog properly.
In cases of beating your dog, putting your dog into stress, or not feeding properly. An instructor will warn you or cancel training depending on the seriousness of your act.
Instructor will cancel training on spot if you continually disregard advice given.
Training ends when candidate acts according to the training program standards. These standards are provided before training begins and are explained by instructor. In a case were instructor and candidate do not show a performance of given standards at the end of agreed training period, the instructor is responsible of reaching the standards with extra training periods that the instructor will not charge for. NOTE: In some cases a candidate may for some reason not be able to perform a certain command. In such a case an instructor will ask you to decide on another command or ability in replace of the mentioned command or ability.